New to Scouting? Here is some information to get started!

Cub Scouts learn about our community through outings and adventures

Pack 177

Pack 177 is organized by Pack and Dens. Our entire unit, boys and girls in grades K-5 are a Pack. Our Pack meets once a month at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Bartles Rd, across from Mercer/Turpin. Each month has a theme and we complete an activity, distribute awards/belt loops/patches that have been earned etc. Most Pack Meetings are scheduled for the third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm

Scouts also meet 2-3 times per month with their den. The schedules and meeting locations vary by grade and gender. Scouts advance through the ranks (Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, & Webelos) with each school year.

Pack 177 offers a wide range of outdoor activities

Pack 177 offers a wide range of outdoor activities

Year Round Adventure

We are a year round pack! During the school year, scouts meet with the den to complete adventures, earn belt loops, go on outings, and volunteer in the community. In the summer months, den or pack meetings go on hiatus to make room for outdoor fun- a family camp out, fishing, rocket building day, and 3 day sleep away camp at Cub World in Loveland.


Scouting is flexible

Scouting is flexible in working around/with other sports and activity schedules. Some scouts step away during certain sport seasons, others choose to keep up at home when schedule conflict. Scouts are welcome to join us as they are able. Kids move through the program with their grade regardless of how many rank advancements they earn.